Grassroots to Global in Scotland

Scotland has a history as both colonised and coloniser, so we need to deal with both ends of the trauma of domination: to recover our agency and our connection to our place - and to recover our compassion and connection to others.

This moment of tipping into total climate disaster - mirrored in the political and economic disasters of a runaway system - has to be one that wakes us up to acknowledge our colonial past and reclaim our collective future.

After Extinction Rebellion's strong campaign for a Citizens Assembly on the climate, the Scottish Government agreed to set one up. People from Extinction Rebellion were involved in shaping it, but then left as we saw it increasingly pushed away from any real possibility of challenging business as usual.

Since then Grassroots to Global have been working on citizen-led* assemblies to create pathways from local towards regional and national assemblies.

This system can't save us from itself. We need to develop a decision-making and need-meeting system that can replace a system of domination that is pouring oil on the fires of our climate and multiple other emergencies.

Come and hear more about why and how communities can be the essential ground of democracy, and how this tipping point of crises needs to become our greatest opportunity for reclaiming humanity from an inhumane system.


* When we talk of 'citizens' we are talking of everyone who lives somewhere, not a subset of state-sanctioned residents

Join us on October 1st!

From 16.30-18.30 UTC we’ll be hearing from the Scottish group.

Theresa Fend