How to participate in the Sunset Assembly?

The programme is created by different groups of people around the globe. Each of them will be hosting the part of the Assembly that will take place around their local sunset. This way we will follow the sunset as it moves around our planet, visiting different communities as they convene.

All the groups are responding in their own way to the shared question of “How the system is impacting on us and our communities, and how we are resisting, creating alternatives and maintaining connectedness in the face of it.”. Each group will be held differently, according to their specific experiences and practices, struggles and pathways. You can learn more about the different holding groups here (the first few are here, the other stops around the world will land on the page soon!)

If you would like to get in touch with the holding group in your timezone, or to actively participate in their part of the Assembly, please reach out to

Participation & Witnessing

You are welcome to join as a witness at any point throughout the journey. As a witness you are invited to listen deeply to experience of each holding group. We believe witnessing is an active process in which your attention and intention make a difference. 

In between each holding group we will hold a “Sharing Council” a space where everyone who comes can take a turn to speak for a few minutes each. This is a place to bring the feelings and reflections we have experienced during the holding group’s session. It’s an informal space where each of us can say what we’re thinking and feeling in the moment, without the need to prepare. We ask every participant, holding groups and witnesses, to speak from the heart and listen from the heart.

If you would like to participate, please sign up here:

Languages / Translation / Interpretation

While some sessions will be translated (please check out the holding groups pages to see details), the main language of our event will be English. If there will be enough people speaking other languages in our Sharing Council, we aim to open breakout rooms for them. 

We are aware of the colonial implications and are trying our best to find solutions. Being a small core team with limited funding, we currently do not have the resources to offer all of our content in multiple languages.

Do you have more questions?

Please visit our FAQ page.